Sunday, January 23, 2011

When Boredom Strikes, why not create a Blog?!

Hello blog world, Im sitting here at work bored as heck ugghh. I litterally have been on every baby, family, clothing, food, website you can imagine and of course I've been on not only my facebook but my hubbys too, and that still didnt pass time for me... Soo I've come to this, I'm officially a blogger!!! My sister in law Dianna has been telling me and my sisters to start one but I was like dude Im too busy for that hahaha sike just thought it was boring!... Anyways I work in the hospitality industry and don't get me wrong I love my job I mean I've been in the industry for 4 years but geeze it has its slow days. This week theres a big convention in town the OR show (Outdoor Retail) & also Sundance is going on and you'd think it'll be busy umm NOT. Everyones out and about enjoying the films or buying hiking boots rather then bothering me lol I guess its a good thing! So blog world this is me Ceni and this is my story of how I started blogging! New to your world but definately not new to writing!